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MY MOBILE RINGTONE: Do It Again by Cookie

3 THINGS I COULDN’T LIVE WITH OUT: My mobile,1 mic, family

I GET EMBARRASSED WHEN: a guy thinks you’re good looking and wants to talk to you but instead of being low key about it he makes a big scene and every body looks round… there is just no need


MY WORST HAIR STYLE: Yuk when I died my hair blonde (it went ginger)

I WOULD NEVER TAKE STYLE TIPS FROM: Kelly Osbourne’s stylist

IF I COULD BE ANY1 4 THE DAY I WOULD BE : A really good looking popular football player and stay in the shower all day

IF I WAS A BIRD I’D POO ON: People that were mean to me in the past or horrible to my friends

MY SCUMMIEST JOB EVER WAS: OK guys my first ever job was Harry Potter and now it’s Cookie so I’ve never had a normal job, but in school I got in trouble so the teacher made me pick up gum from underneath the tables yuk!

THE HEADLINE I MOST DREAD READING ABOUT MYSELF: Montana’s tits/arse come out, Who ate all the cookies - Montana did.

MY BIGGEST FASHION MISTAKE WAS: When I was 7, my Dad put me in a purple tracksuit with black boots! Never wear tracksuits and shoes, always wear trainers Yuk Yuk

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